Wagoner Maritime started
developing forty years ago but the
name was different then.  We only
did boating charters then so it was
called Captain Doug's Boating. As
the years went by and we grew in
experience, We had to change our
name to reflect all of the marine
industry jobs we were capable of
doing. We wanted to expand into
Salvage work, Towing, Deliveries,
Nautical escort service, emergency
services, search and rescue,
Salmon Smolt Acclimation into salt
water. Home land security work like
deploying underwater security
devices to monitor the bay floor
especially around the oil refineries.
We worked up and down the rivers
in the whole bay area doing all
kinds of things plus many
soundings along with water
sampling for the Sanitation
departments in the area. Our
resume is still growing and we look
forward to working with all of you. If
you need it done on the water, just
give us a call. We try to give the
best prices in the bay. We have had
several work boats in the past
twenty years and are currently using
our newest addition called " B Z 1"
Pronounced, "Busy one." The
people you see on these pages are
all boat minded people who love
working on the water. The Salmon
Smolt program  is under the
auspices of The Fishery Foundation
of California. The Ca. Dept of Fish
and Game provide the money for
this and many other projects to
enhance the fish populations. We
hope to add many more pictures to
this homemade site to give you an
idea of our scope and direction.
Enjoy the water folks.
Wagoner Maritime
Douglas Wagoner
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