Last day for Salmon Smolts 08
Danny Comella is 92 years old and still
 has the gift. This man works every day
as a Detroit Diesel Mechanic. He is
truly a legend in the SF Bay area.
he is sharing a good story with
Roxanne on the left and Kari.
We are
all happy to have him as a friend.
This is the place to go for all of your
boating needs. There is no one better
at making sure you get the parts you
need. Lynn and her family have  been
around boats for over 40 years and
was raised on several big boats so she
knows her way around the marine
business. Wholesale or retail large or
small she will get it for you. This is the
go to store.
I wish I had a whole crew of her. This is
Roxanne and she made our days more
fun with her upbeat view of the world.
And, she baked a cherry pie from
scratch. It was very good. Thanks
Sometimes friends come out to enjoy
the day. Here, Doug Boss is at the
helm keeping things under control.
 Kari with daughter Messina enjoyiing the moment.
Messina has just returned from Afganistan as an army
medic and lives in North Carolina so it was nice to have
her visit.
Dante  Comella taking a break. This
guy is an inspiration to everyone under
92 years old. He is fun to be around
and has great stories of how it was
back in the day.
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