2008 new crew/netpens,  Kari Burr in Charge.   Kari is a fine example of
dedication and ingenuity. She leads by example and is tireless in her
efforts to protect the Salmon Smolts  During each season new problems
present  themselves without warning. Some are procedural and some are
safety related,  Kari is on it without delay keeping thing going, protecting
our people,fish and gear. I have confidence in her ability and enjoyed
working with her.
2008 Smolt release New
crew/netpens Here Kari and Cris  put
nets in the water to receive the
Salmon Smolts
Project manager Kari Burr has proven
herself over the last several years as
the go to person if you want it done
right. A Marine Biologist now with her
Masters degree she is wonderful to
work with.
Here Kari holds the net up so the fish
stay in it. If you look at all the pages
here you will see Kari working in most
every scene.
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